Insta @ needlework.crossings

Hi there sweet friends, nice of you to stop by!

Prim and folkart needlework designs of drab reds, browns, golds and greens are what I fancy.

Let's share stitchin, sewin, nestin, cookin, collectin, prims, critters and a lovin' mishmash of sweet life...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Seems Like...

... only a few weeks ago we shared the bunny,
has it really been a whole year ~ YIKES!
If you've hopping by my little blog the last few years,
then you know darn well THIS was coming,
wouldn't wanna disappoint you my sweet friends LOL! 

Thanks ever so much for visiting,
your kinship, encouragement and heartfelt comments warm my chocolate heart!

Hope your holiday weekend is filled with the love of family and friends,
and a few sweet treats, Happy Easter!

Tootles, Sue

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


... maybe some wine to go with, am thinkin maybe a soft, not too sweet Rosé, just a wee sip or two to take the edge off.  Anyone wanna join me?:)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring 2013!

Greetings Sweet Friends!  The snow and cold and blowin' has worn out its' welcome, so... pick yourselves up and dust off your sweet selves, shake a tail, do the Jig, the Boogie-Woogie, the Twist, the Electric Slide or Mosh it ~ come on along and join me and the girls in celebrating the First Day of Spring!  Enjoy:)