Insta @ needlework.crossings

Hi there sweet friends, nice of you to stop by!

Prim and folkart needlework designs of drab reds, browns, golds and greens are what I fancy.

Let's share stitchin, sewin, nestin, cookin, collectin, prims, critters and a lovin' mishmash of sweet life...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Shame Shame Shame

Hi there sweet friends, welcome to a couple new followers who I hope will enjoy stopping by every now and then.  I thank new followers because one great thing about blogging is of course discovering new blogs, which I adore:)

I tend to avoid most non-stitchy personal opinions on my blog.  This NFL issue however, will not escape my wrath!

They call this type of post grass roots ~ I'm ROOTING and ROARING!!!

So, going in different direction from my usual posts ~ I will now step on my soapbox.

HEAR ME ROAR... microphone please ~ 

SHAME SHAME SHAME on you NE Patriots, NFL, corporate sponsors and all other involved for aligning yourself in even the smallest way  ~ with a monster, no matter your greedy reasons! A child molester should not profit, no matter the circumstances, P.E.R.I.O.D.!

If you are like minded, please be heard and share the word everywhere you can!

Plz link to this post!  Plz post to your FB!  Plz blab everywhere! You get the idea!

SHAME SHAME SHAME ON YOU NE PATRIOTS, NFL and corporate sponsors!!!



  1. I totally agree with you.
    There are no words strong enough to condemn this.
    Hope opinions change.

  2. ((HUGS)) Thank you very much for the warm welcome. I appreciate you too. I have been enjoying your blog and look forward to spending time reading what you feel like sharing with us. Ya know what would be a nice lil stickler to him...having all those royalties be given to the causes that fight against such people! Also, have the NE Patriots double that amount and add to it for using such a person's content and being so stupid in supporting someone like him.

    Peace and wellness to you, Sue.

  3. Did not know this - thanks for the information.

  4. I say let them play the song...over and over again...and each time they play it ALL the royalties should go to a charity for children.
    What a pervert!!!

  5. Hadn't heard about this! I have no patience for anyone that hurts a child or anyone that may support that person in any way.

  6. Thanks for sharing this. Makes me sick. Another good reason I am cheering the Giants.


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stitchinsweetsue {at} gmail {dot} com